Thank you for taking our short quiz! Below are the internships that work with your degree level and area of interest. Please utilize the links that take you to the internship’s informational pages. If you have any questions about an internship, please use the “Email” option on the internship’s webpage under “Contact Information”.

Science Graduate Student Research (SCGSR)
The Office of Science Graduate Student Research program provides supplemental funds for graduate awardees to conduct part of their thesis research at a host DOE laboratory or facility in collaboration with a DOE laboratory scientist within a defined award period. Collaborating DOE laboratory scientists may be from any of the participating DOE national laboratories or facilities.
Graduate Fellowships in Engineering and Science (GEM)
GEM recruits high-quality underrepresented students looking to pursue masters and doctoral degrees in applied science and engineering. As a GEM employer, Fermilab supports and encourages matriculation through scientific, engineering, computing and environmental internships, coaching and mentoring.
This internship also attracts: Engineering Majors

Italian Student Program
Each year the Italian Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN), the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Scuola Superiore Sant’ Anna (SSSA), the Italian Scientists and Scholars in North America Foundation (ISSNAF), and the Cultural Association of Italians at Fermilab (CAIF) offer highly motivated Italian physics and engineering university students nine-week summer research internships in science, engineering and technology. Students work with scientists or engineers on projects related to Fermilab’s research program or in similar programs at similar U.S. institutions. Students also participate in career planning and numerous training and informational sessions.
This internship also attracts: Engineering & Technology Majors
Visiting Faculty Program (VFP)
VFP provides 10-week summer hands-on research experiences at Fermilab for faculty and student teams from community colleges and four-year institutions historically underrepresented in the research community. Faculty applicants must submit a research project proposal co-developed with Fermilab staff.
This internship also attracts: Engineering, Mathematics, Computer Science, & Physics Majors